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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Command & Conquer 64 System : Nintendo 64 Date Added : 2005-01-21 09:15:04 Views : 20007 More Money: Silo Just build an engineer and take over your enemies silo to get the money that is stored in their silo(s). Level Select At the title screen where players see "press start" enter the following code using the control pad: b, a, r, r, a, c-right, up, down, a. There will be no indication that the code worked. Press start and go to replay mission. Press L and then choose your side and mission. Easy Money The Churches in the villages have 1000$ in them. Destroy them to get the money. Faster Ion Cannon and Nuclear weapons charge Build many power plants and the more you have the faster the weapons will charge. Buy the Tiberium Factories When you destroy all your opponents Tiberium Factories, you can shoot one of their structures a few times and they will sell it to you. However, make sure that you take out their main base first or they will not be able to rebuild the Tiberium factories. Be able To Build Opponent's Units Get your engineer to take over a enemies construction yard and you can build their units. Sandbagging trick Use sandbags to build all the way to your enemies base. Now build some defenses, guns or whatever to take them out! A ton of turrents is especcially effective! Zoom It Hold L press C-Up or C-Down to zooom in and out of the battlefield. Access all Buildings This code will enable you to have access to all the buildings.While playing, press Left C, then hold A + Right C. If entered correctly, you will hear a voice give you the new building options. Economics 101 It is $100 dollars cheaper to build two regular power plants than one advanced power plant you get just as much power with thicker armor. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Command & Conquer 64 cheat codes.
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